Wize Choice Tile Restoration LLC


Grout Sealing: Importance & Types


Almost all home renovation and repair work requires finishing, flooring needs polishing, furniture needs varnish, and tile work needs grout resealing. It’s a common sight to see for almost all kinds of tile work across Dallas and Frisco. So much so that one cannot take grout sealing out of the equation and consider the work done.

But ever wonder why it’s done in the first place? Is it completely aesthetic? Is it just an excuse for you to pay more? Are they all the same? Wize Choice Tile Restoration LLC discusses grout sealing and all you need to know about it.

What is grout sealer and what does it do?

Grout sealer is a clear solution that is applied to grout after the tiles have been set. It keeps moisture from getting into the tiles and grout and protects it from minor scratches and damages as well. This keeps the grout and tiles clean and functional for years. Without grout sealer, grout can end up dark and germ-filled quickly, due to excess moisture.

Why is grout sealing so important?
As stated above, grout sealing protects your surface from moisture. One particular example of such moisture related problems is mold attack. Mold is often a result of excess moisture finding its way into the grout. The texture of the grout, rough and porous, is a perfect surface for molds to grow. To keep moisture from entering the grout, most companies apply grout sealer to the newly-cleaned tiles. Most tile restoration companies across Dallas and Frisco also deliver grout sealing services, some even offer moldicide solutions, though specific cleaning agents available to most companies would already be sufficient enough to do the job.

There are different types of grout sealer suitable for different households and businesses, and different ways through which they work. Here are some of the most common types.

Types of Grout Sealers

Coatings are types of grout sealers that lay on the surface of the tiles. They act as a shield so that moisture cannot enter the grout. They are usually the most economical option, though they may require reapplication from time to time depending on the classification of coating.

  • Strippable sealers are sealers that are formulated to be easily removed from the grout. They come in various colors to match the tiles itself and effectively protect grout from obtaining moisture. Strippable coatings are often made of acrylics, polyethylene, and other polymers. Though effective at keeping away moistures, these strippable sealers will require reapplication ever so often.
  • Permanent sealers are meant to last for a long time as they are designed to penetrate the top part of the grout itself, effectively clamping on the grout and making harder to remove. For those who wish to change grout color without replacing the grout itself, permanent sealers may not be the ideal options for you. But if you’re more about practicality, and convenience, this is the way to go. It can be more expensive, but it guarantees maximum protection for your grout in the years to come.

Impregnators are grout sealers that penetrate deep into the grout. They deposit solid particles like silicon compounds, into the pores of the grout to make it more resistant to moisture, dirt, and oil. These impregnators can be a solvent or water-based solution. Impregnators, also called penetrating sealants, will not change the appearance of the tile floor. Impregnators are also meant to get into the grout joints and not the tile itself. These types of grout sealers can be one of two types.

  • Hydrophobic impregnators, as the name suggests, are impregnators that repel water. Bath water, juice, and water-based paint will simply roll off a hydrophobic-treated tile surface.
  • Oilphobic impregnators, on the other hand, may slow down or repel oil entirely. Cooking oil, industrial grease, and animal fat can simply be washed off a tiled surface treated with oilphobic impregnators. All oilphobic impregnators are hydrophobic, but not all hydrophobic impregnators are oilphobic.

However, it is important to remember that “oil repelling” and “oil resistant” are two different things. “Oil repellent” impregnators resist all types of oil and prevent it from entering the grout. “Oil resistant” impregnators simply slow down the absorption of oil but do not stop it entirely.

What kind of sealant is best for my surfaces?

It is usually best to talk to a professional tile restoration contractor to know what type of grout sealer is best for your surface. While DIY might be a good idea, truth is, most of us simply do not have the time, patience, or knowledge to accomplish the job. And the last thing we need is a surface that ends up being redone.

Wize Choice Tile Restoration LLC is the leading tile experts in Dallas and Frisco. We handle anywhere from tile and grout cleaning to tile restorations and repairs. Contact us today to learn more about our services.